Dear Brothers and Sisters from Minority Community, the Minorities Employees belongs to Muslims, Christian, Sikh, Budhist, Parsi, Linguistic and Jains its Communities. The State Goverenment, Employees & Teachers(Gazetted & non-Gazetted).
The State Corporation, Boards, Public Sector, Local Bodies, Quasi Govt., Universities, Autonomous Body by virture of their employment irrespective of all cadres from Class-IV & Drivers to State Services boy to heads.
Our Constitution Provides many amenities,provision under the rules for development of minorities at large but however when it comes to implementation part,not much is being done particularly with indiffererent attitude of leadership at centre/State Governments. In view of inadequate leadership, Minorities have no where to look for to receive direction and initiatives,As per reliable sources and also as revealed by surveys,the social and economic conditions of minorities is comparatively falling down gradually when compared to SC/ST brethren.
The number of employees representing Minority Community is also decreasing gradually.The objective of Telangana State Minority Employees Service Association (TS-MESA) is Obviously to provide platform for the minority community and its employees to protect its rights,constitutional provisions and ensure practical implementation of various GO's issued from welfare of minority employees in the state. TS-MESA is the voice of Telangana State Minority Employees.
Our Demands
TS-MESA's agenda in general and future course action and focus is on the following :
- To recognize this Association i.e., ‘TS-MESA’ as special case.
- We demand immediate implementation of 12% Reservation to Muslims as per your election manifesto in all cadres of State Govt. Posts viz., Group I, II, III, IV and Drivers Post and also Reservations in Education and Political.
- The other Minorities 5% Reservation in the basis of Justice Rajendra Sachar Committee and Justice Ranganath Mishra Commission Report.
- Provide rule Reservations in Promotion to all Muslim/Minority Employee in the TS.
- To extend the age of Superannuation from 58 to 60 years to the Telangana Govt. Employees.
- To restore old pension scheme to Government Employees instead of Contributory Pension Scheme (C.P.S.).
- To provide the land to “Telangana State Minority Employees Service Association House Building & Construction Mutually Aided Co-Operative Society Ltd.,” Employees & Teacher in the TS.
- Filling of all the Vacant Post of various categories in various departments.
- Allotment of land for construction of TS-MESA Head Office buildings in Hyderabad City.
- To enhance the income limit of tuition fee for reimbursement from 1.00 Lakh to 12.00 Lakhs for the fees reimbursement, so that the children’s of Class-IV employees can be benefited in the scheme.
- Enhance of Income limit of overseas study scheme to be enhance rupees of 6 Lakhs per annum as such good act it is justifiable to be benefitted to the Class-IV and Class-III Official & Pensioners.
- Regularization of Services of all Temporary / Outsourcing / Contract Basis Minority Employees working in State Wakf Board, State Minority Corporation, State Urdu Academy, State Hajj Committee and other all Govt. Departments etc.
- Sanction of Child Care Leave to the female employees of State Govt. on par with Central Government Employees (Central Govt. is giving 2 years of CCL by the age of Children 18 years).
- Strict Implementation of Prime Minister’s 15 Point Programme.
- Provide separate Sub-Plan budget for Minorities and Implementation of atrocity Act for all Minorities on par with SC & ST.
- Implementation of cashless treatment under health scheme to all the government employees pensioners – in patient & out patient.
- Re-Implementation of Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
- Implement new scheme for Upliftment of Minorities in Educationally